Drip drop. The peaceful rain thuds on my miserable window. Everyday is just a continuation of a prolonged, sorrowful summer. I glance outside. My view is not of a beautiful sunset in the Bahamas. There aren’t any exotic birds from Africa or hot air balloons casting shadows over a valley. What meets my eyes is a muddy, charcoal colored driveway. How long is this reality going to persist?

Looking out deeper into the portrait that is my window, I see a tall, well-built woman. She wears enormous hoop earrings, but something covers her face. A mask hides her sharp features. The US has become a mask factory with millions of designs being sold on Etsy, enabling the world for a mask take over.

What is that shrieking? Protesters crowd the streets of Atlanta, New York, Boston, LA, UK, France, and more. The media hypes up Black Lives Matter messages and brands choose sides. Change.org blows up. The secret of deep rooted racism in the country is out, and the hope that was once seen in the great American Dream disappears.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (family in this case).
The awkward silence. The stupid small talk. Family time here we come. From the moment when mom yells “Come down” you already know it’s family time. During this uncalled for time, family time feels eternal. Parents nag, and we follow in the hopes of being saved from boredom. Tragic.
Time demon.
They’re shirtless and we’re breathless. We’ve already got Instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, and Twitter. What else do we need? TikTok. It’s a world where shirtless boys roam around and girls plaster their faces with make-up to do silly dances. It’s the perfect world right? I guess we can credit TikTok for one thing: introducing teens to, essentially, teens. Alright go back to stalking and virtual vibing I guess.
Who in Apple was the genius who came up with facetime? Endless group facetime calls keep teens company throughout the day. They may decrease productivity, but hey at least we get to converse with our friends. The best part- we can leave the facetime call anytime, and people would still be on it when we come back. Iconic invention Apple.
The lingering sense of gloom and doom. Hello let me introduce myself. I’m coronavirus. I’m the reason why children are miserable, grandparents are vanishing, and parents are petrified. The unknown has always been a scary field, and we’re living in it.
The cold war.

Well if Covid isn’t escapable the media sure isn’t. The constant bickering of CNN and Fox News is getting unbearable. It’s just one more thing to add to the list of miseries. Dinner table topics consist of politics and friends are constantly chatting about public affairs. How much more can we have on our plate?

Here comes the final truth. This entire situation isn’t escapable. It is perfectly normal to miss friends, coaches, and even school. Everyone wishes for this situation to vanish. There is no secret, there is no fairy godmother. We have been taken hostage in our own game. Devastating. But, mankind has always risen above the flame.
Come true.

How do we battle this raging war? What if we could have a prisoner exchange? Hope in exchange for the amount of people who died in this wild ride. The great American Dream is about opportunity and being opportunistic. Somehow during this ungrateful time, we have forgotten our values and drowned in sorrow. The only way to fight this is to rocket-launch the base of misery with purity and hope. In simple terms: don’t stop living, continue being your glorious self, stay happy, and remember this shall pass too. Let’s SLAY the rest of 2020!